Otoplasty/Ear Surgery

Ear Pinning Surgery

Dr. Patrick M. Zito is a fellowship-trained Cosmetic Surgeon with specialized training in Facial Plastic Surgery practicing in South Florida!

Ear surgery, in the form of Otoplasty (also known as ear pinning)  aims to restore a harmonious and proportionate shape to the ears and face, resulting in a natural appearance. The correction of even minor deformities during this procedure can yield remarkable improvements in both one’s physical appearance and self-esteem.

What are the benefits of Otoplasty?


Refining Ear Size

If your ears are overly prominent, undergoing ear pinning surgery in Miami can reduce their size and create a more balanced facial aesthetic.

Refining or Repairing Earlobes

As we age, the earlobes may develop natural creases or wrinkles. Otoplasty can address these concerns and restore a more natural appearance. Additionally, torn earlobes can be repaired through a simple and swift surgical procedure.

Correcting Ear Asymmetry

Some individuals experience ear asymmetry due to injury or congenital factors. Dr. Zito, an experienced specialist in the Miami area, can perform otoplasty procedures to correct such asymmetry by reconstructing missing or damaged ear structures, restoring a symmetrical appearance.

What Does Otoplasty Involve?

Otoplasty surgery entails creating a small incision behind the ear. Through this incision, cartilage and excess skin are carefully removed to achieve an optimal ear shape and size.

Are You a Suitable Candidate for Otoplasty?

Dr. Patrick Zito, a highly skilled quadruple board certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon specializes in creating natural-looking results for otoplasty patients. During your consultation at our Miami clinic, he will assist you in determining whether surgery is the most suitable option for you.



